Monday, July 18, 2011

The Outward Focused Life

This past weekend we had a guest speaker come to our church, Dave Workman. He shard about servanthood. I am trying to capture the golden nuggets God gave to me this past weekend.

One thing God stirred in me was a desire to live and reach outside of myself. How easy would it be to buy some gift cards from a local coffee shop (such as Coffee Bean, Starbucks, etc.) and give away to my neighbor, along with a little business card about our church? That inspired me.

Dave also talked about ways we could think creatively to create comfortable environments for the lost. What I got out of this was thinking of my (fishing) nets. What kind of nets could I/we use to love (and catch) those whom Jesus loves?

Of course, there were the car washes, and acts of mercy that Dave also talked about. I think what struck me is that servanthood is a lifestyle, and easily accessible to us. In addition, our fulfillment comes as we engage in serving others.

Serving others is a form of loving others.

Dave's church also did a scratch and win game where church members got a scratch and win lottery card. On the lottery card were options of service they would get to perform. For example, buy someone's gas, pay for someone's meal in the drive through behind you, etc.

And, Dave talked about how our goal was to love. Plain and simple. We were not there to discuss the 4 spiritual laws, at that point. Basically, he's saying love is a net to catch those whom Jesus loves (which is all of us incidently). He is teaching about loving our neighbor for love's sake alone; it is a means to an end, but, it is also the end.

More can be found online at . I guess you might say Dave propses that "actions speak louder than words". However, our actions can be a bridge that helps connect people wherever they're at on their spiritual journey to The One who loves them unconditionally.

That's all I have to say about that for now.