Saturday, December 23, 2023


 I confess and renounce, I have already confessed and renounced, any and all involvement I had or ever had, with Joel Osteen false doctrine preacher teacher, author of Your Best Life Now and other heresies.

I may have, but do not recall exactly, how I chose the name for THIS particular blog.  At the time, I may have been reading this man's work.  One of the girls, who has now passed away, from a form of cancer, had introduced me to this /his book.  We used to, or, she used to, tell me about how wonderful the false teacher was.  At that time, I did not have any kind of a filter to know any different.

However, today, after much teaching and reading of the Word of God, I no longer wish to be associated with Mr. Osteen, his books, nor any of his false doctrine teachings.  What I did in ignorance, may God have mercy on my soul.

I will leave this blog up, however, to document my CONFESSION and RENOUNCING of any and ALL associations I ever had with FALSE DOCTRINES and/or FALSE TEACHERS.  

To God be the glory, now and forever.