fall in korea...what's it like? warm or cool? long or short? as august approaches an end, so too does summer...with the end of summer comes fall...ya, no duh...some might think...however, for me, a truly southern cali gal, the end of summer for me means winter is nearly here...and, how sad am i...okay, not truly sad, but, you know...fall is a typically a shorter season in korea...that means winter will be here...not that winter is a bad thing...but, winters in korea are a COLD thing...we're talking below zero cold...we're talking in the 30s and 40s cold...so, as fall approaches, so too the weather cools....the weather "cools" down to about the 50s and 60s...60s is bearable for this cali girl, but, 50s??? oh no!! when its the 50s i'm wearing my winter clothes...HA HA HA HA HA HA....it is soooooooo true!! Let's face it...i just love summer, the beach, the sun...what am i gonna do? well, so fall is coming and some people are happy...not this girl...EXCEPT, with winter means one day closer to going home...hmmm....now THERE'S a thought!! grandma, thanks for reading my blog!! grandma, you're the best!!
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