Monday, October 18, 2010

Seek 1st the Kingdom of God...

So, lately I've been thinking alot about this verse, "Seek 1st the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well." Jesus taught this. My thoughts are, well, what does it mean, to seek 1st the kingdom? And, how does one do it? To me, seeking the kingdom of God 1st means to have a kingdom mentality. To be a kingdom minded person. To have and to want above all else God's rule and God's reign operating in my life, personally, locally, and globally. To get up in the morning and seek 1st the KOG includes prayer and Bible reading. And, reading another helpful book right now, "Become a Better You" by Joel Osteen. I'm sure there are more applications for this verse, but, these are a few that I've been pondering lately. to be continued...

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