Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm prone to making spontaneous decisions, so that is perhaps why I am feeling really good about all the thinking I've been putting into my decision lately as to what to do next. The best word I can come up with at the moment is a sweet sense of empowerment. That seems to be what I feel. It's taking me several weeks to get my head screwed on straight and to think long and hard about my next job or future steps. I have a better idea now not only of what I might do, but also what I won't do. I'm so glad I listened to Vicki and Jo's advice to think about it now or let it bite me in the butt later.


Cate said...

You go girl! That's it! Think and pray on things for as long as you need to feel Peace - My prayer for you is that God would go BEFORE you, directing your steps, one at a time. You are a gift from God to so many! I look forward to all that God is doing in you and through you.
Your friend, Cate

Monica Velez said...

Thank you so much for your kind words to me, Friend!! It is so good to be reminded and reminded about good things. Thanks for your encouragement. I have been blessed with some WONDERFUL friends here, like Jo, who really encouraged me to THINK THINK THINK. I miss you!