- 1. Teach kindergarden 30 hours a week in Busan near the lovely beach and have access to worship on navy base each week.
- 2. Teach in a public elementary school up to 22 hours per week in Kyounggido, a large province about one hour away from Seoul, the capital.
- "Hold out" for an elementary teaching job in Cheonan, the current city I reside, to be close to friends I have and be familiar with surroundings.
Pay is roughly equivalent for each position. Housing is also decent for each one. What to do, what to do.
Went to lunch with Jolie today, a friend from church. Was good to see her and talk with her. After our lunch time together I took this photo. Weather now in Cheonan is fall, cool and chilly in the 60s by day. I'm wearing a warmer coat nowadays. Yesterday went to an orphanage in the afternoon. Just talked and played with the kids. Looked around the premises. My heart was so warm from the experience. I told the director I would like to visit again. The girls and I met for dinner last nite: Jo (the social butterfly), Vicki (from Africa), and So Young (a korean gal). After dinner at a Vietnamese restraunt, we went out for drinks. It was good to talk and be together with the girls, but I regret drinking alcohol now. I'm not opposed to drinking at all, but, I woke up this morning without a desire to get up; I felt like staying in bed all day long, and even now am "tired"; all I feel like doing is sleeping. I am wondering if the alcohol from my pina colada had an adverse reaction with my medicine I'm taking. Other than that, and the choice of job I have to make, life is all right. I could write more (as always), but, it's back to the job search I go, reading the contracts I've been given in fine print. Read and think.^^
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