Sunday, March 14, 2010

Encourage one another daily

So today, our pastor, Lance Pittluck, spoke on encouragement. We all need it. We all want it. And, we're all able to give it out to each other. As he was speaking, I was thinking/reflecting about the many times that God has sent the people to encourage me. If I was living abroad, God sent people to be an encouragement to me. I can't count the number of times we met together for coffee, ice cream, meals and outings together. He also used me to be an encouragement to others. Lance also talked about how when we meet together in Christ's name, that has an encouraging effect on us. I have experienced that exact very thing as I've participated the past year in our FLOW group (family life on wednesdays). As I reflect on my life now, He's continued to send encouraging people into my life. And, I hope to grow in becoming an encourgement to those around me, by God's grace.

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